Time is one of the important part of math on 2nd Grade, which ranges from reading clock and calendar, from days of the week to month of the year, seasons is also concluded in this part.
Time lesson for 2nd Grade app covers all knowledge of time which arecrucial for student at grade 2. With the app, newbies to time information can easily learn with beautiful pictures and interactive questions.
There are 3 main sections: Study, Practice and Quiz. In which, not only time knowledge is introduced but also a large number of exercises and tests are provided to help learners reinforce their skills
Time lesson includes
● Days of the week
● Time words: o’clock, haft, quarter
● Reading clocks
● Seasons
● Compare clocks : analog and digital
● Reading calendar
● Month of the year
● Time patterns
● Exciting graphics and interesting sounds
● Main parts: Study, Practice, and Quiz
● Optional choices within exercise topics and scales
● Quiz is unlocked by simply sharing the app via Facebook
Time lesson for 2nd grade app is a great tool to help parents on tutoring their kids on Grade 2. Don’t forget to rate and review to help us make further improvements of this app.
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